This is exactly what I needed right now from the liminal and fallow depths of new motherhood 🖤

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Congrats on your little one! ❤️ I’ve been there. It’s truly an underworld journey amongst all the cuteness and sweetness. My second child is three now and somehow it feels like she was a baby twenty years ago and also yesterday. Sending you maternal solidarity! 💕🙏🏼

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Thank you so much for this thoughtful response!! This is so encouraging 😭💕

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A teaspoon of what you really need goes so much further than you can ever imagine. Beautiful.

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Sep 6Liked by Sarah Kokernot

Rest can feel so good! And it can be so hard to find the space for it.

On a smaller scale this would be something like a delicious afternoon nap for me. 😌

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Yes! We should always be microdosing rest even when we’re in a full summer production mode. Power naps are that for me.

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Sep 6Liked by Sarah Kokernot

Ooh, this is great and I'm now and forever calling my less-active periods “chthonic.” I also think there's an important difference between honoring rest and suppressing our creative energy when it actually desperately wants to be expressed, and learning to trust ourselves and our bodies' and creativities' instinctual knowledge of this divide is critical in navigating it. (For many, though, I think, rest is even harder and more unnatural to embrace than pushing through creative resistance).

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So true! I also think it takes some time to know when to push through and when to stop…There’s also a compromise between both, when one simply lets oneself relax for a bit and then goes back to work. I’m always amazed about how much more creative I feel after taking a few minutes to rest in a sense of openness. It’s definitely not efficient but neither is forcing myself to make something. Glad you feel the chthonic in your own stages! 🖤✨ I hope we can all embrace that underworld part.

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Beautiful! So love this. My favorite among the many gems in this piece — ‘seasonally adding unfamiliar layers of composted richness’. ❤️

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Thank you so much for reading! I’m happy to know this resonated with you 🩵

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Sep 5Liked by Sarah Kokernot

Great post. I'm witchy adjacent so buried Greek gods speak to me as well. I'd love to take your class but am physically in another part of the Rust Belt. Maybe something like this could be online someday? I say that strongly preferring in-person options but we can't always get to other places.

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Thanks, Marla! I’ll probably hold a writing class again sometime early next year. Will be sure to let folks know.

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