First time here and I take away two gifts. 'Joyful effort' and the new thought of writing as an act of generosity-an offering. Lots to think about, thank you.

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I’m happy you found something meaningful in this piece. Thank you for reading and commenting!

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Wonderful article. I think so many artists and writers would benefit from reading this!

Those fables 10,000 hours are always going to be so much more achievable (and by extension more productive too) if we approach it with that idea of joyful effort.

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Thank you so much for reading! The joyful effort has really made such a huge difference in all the many ups and downs, and hours of practice, I’ve experienced as a writer. I would have quit long ago if I couldn’t tap into this attitude. I

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I loved this, Sarah. The idea of joyful effort, of creativity as play, and of writing connecting us to the numinous--all of which strikes home with me, in writing and painting. And the idea of exploration, moving into unknown territory with a sense of adventure and a bit of trepidation. Writing and painting is a way of discovering something new, about ourselves, our medium, about what the universe wants to teach us. I'm so glad I discovered your site, thanks to Don Bovine's note.

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I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Agree with you that a sense of adventure is important. It can help alleviate that trepidation--creating probably wouldn't be as exciting with a healthy level of anxiety.

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Hi , I just read your article in tricycle and loved it , loved how you were able to focus on a dandelion , which as a child I adored , the color and made a wish. I was impressed that you were able to leave your mask and courageous to be yourself .

So I found you and am so grateful. I will think about being generous when I paint , or dream or just feel like being inside myself and yet so close to the world

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Aw, thank you, Joyce! I’m so glad you enjoyed my article. Dandelions are magical, right? Generous and bright and wish-fulfilling, plus they grow everywhere :) Thanks for being here!

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May 17Liked by Sarah Kokernot

Wonderful piece, so encouraging.

It reminded me of some things Lama Justin has shared about art/dharma. You can imagine I was tickled (but not too surprised) when reading your welcome post and discovering that he and Dr. Nida are also your teachers.

Props to the algorithm.🌟Sarva Mangalam!

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Oh my gosh! Hey Vajra sibling! I’m delighted to see you here. Props to that algorithm! Happy that you found encouragement 💙

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Amazing essay! I connected with a lot of your points. An essence of play is so vital to put in efforts. Only then can we push ourselves and not even realise it. That is sometimes the best feeling isn't it? Moreover maybe that is what is called the good kind of tiredness.

I don't have any sort of ritual per se, but I do tend to go back to reading a lot when I'm writing. Even if it's not connected to my writing. Just because it reminds of me having fun, because well reading is damn fun! :))

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Yashraj! Yes to a “good kind of tiredness.” That’s always so satisfying :)

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